Specialty Care

Spot-on results,
Right on the spot

Lab-accurate1 results when they're needed most

No matter what your medical specialty is… having immediate on-site blood chemistry results can be transformational for your practice and your patients. With a small whole-blood sample and about 30 seconds of hands-on time, the Piccolo Xpress® delivers lab-accurate results in 12 minutes1.
With the Piccolo’s speed, simplicity, small sample size and broad menu of 31 tests across 17 panel types – it’s a highly valuable and useful tool across all walks of medicine.

Having actionable blood chemistry results at the point-of-care can mean greater efficiency for clinic operations & compliance and satisfaction for your patients2-3. Diagnosis and treatment planning can all happen within the span of a single patient visit.
Whether you are monitoring the effects of prescribed medications or determining what medications and dosage to prescribe; the Piccolo’s real-time liver, kidney and metabolic function tests can be a game-changer.
Isn’t it time to implement something very special to your Specialty Care?

Enhance practice capabilities

  • Conduct on-site CLIA-waived lab analysis in minutes
  • Increased patient satisfaction2 from full-service capabilities
  • Cornerstone of in-house mini-lab
  • All Piccolo reagent panels are reimbursable by payors
  • Increase services without increasing costs3

Boost office efficiency

  • Reduce the time spent preparing samples for courier to the lab
  • Eliminate time and hassle of tracking down patients to relay results
  • Increase the quality of time spent with patients
  • Address the majority of patient presentations in real time

Impact patient care

  • Diagnose and confidently plan treatments based on comprehensive results
  • Avoid unnecessary delays in beginning critical treatment programs
  • Make real-time adjustments to treatment regimens
  • Ensure integrity of patient sample by maintaining consistent custody

17 Complete Chemistry Panels

31 Tests

11 CLIA Waived

  • References:
  • 1 Data on file.
  • 2 Patient satisfaction with point-of-care laboratory testing: report of a quality improvement program in an ambulatory practice of an academic medical center, 2013, Crocker et al.
  • 3 Implementation of Point-of-Care Testing in an Ambulatory Practice of an Academic Medical Center, 2014, Crocker et al.