On-site lab-accurate chemistry for Oncology Centers.
Today’s chemotherapy pharmaceuticals are amazing, effective and intense. However, titrating the chemo mix to fit the unique nature of the patient is more of an art form. This is where accurate blood chemistry results are especially useful. Maintaining the delicate blood chemistry balance of vital organ systems is critical to maximizing the efficacy of treatments. This is the daily tightrope oncologists must navigate. With on-site, lab-accurate, comprehensive chemistry results in minutes, oncologists can have up-to-the minute patient information to help them provide the best and most efficient care possible.
Small on size… but big on capabilities, the Piccolo helps oncology centers maximize their throughput while increasing efficiencies. Visits are shortened, waste is reduced and patients are able to spend more time at home with their families. Whether during active treatment or while managing remission, comprehensive chemistry with the Piccolo delivers important information to caregivers in real-time, thereby improving the speed of care, reducing the cost of care and positively impacting outcomes.
See what the Piccolo can do for your Oncology Center, click here to schedule an on-site consultation.